Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Guided Reading 3-1

Homework due 10/20

1. What two far-reaching events took place in 1789?
2. How did the French Revolution compare to the American Revolution?
3. Describe the 3 estates of French society before the revolution.
4. Give a definition of the term bourgeoisie.
5. State the immediate cause of the French Revolution
6. How did most members of the Third Estate want to fix France’s financial problems?
7. What dramatic event took place on July 14, 1789, which saves the 3rd Estate from the king’s forces?
8. What did the National Assembly do in response to peasant revolts and fear of foreign troops?
9. What name did the National Assembly give to its charter of basic liberties?
10. Why did Olympia de Gouges write a Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen?
11. The National Assembly took what action to control the Catholic Church?