Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

9-4 Cultural and Intellectual Trends

Cultural and Intellectual Trends
ENTERTAINMENT: Propaganda’s best friend
1920’s – mass production of radios begin and countries build broadcasting facilities
Presidents and leaders use it to broadcast speeches and messages
Full length motion pictures (silent and talkies) began appearing
By the beginning of WWII, almost half of the people in any country go at last once a week
Propaganda films are used to support the government
Joseph Goebbels – Hitler’s propaganda minister
-Created a specific film division
-Created both documentaries and popular films
“Triumph of the Will” – a documentary of the a Nuremberg Rally
Depicted national socialism
LEISURE (or, what I did during my Summer Vacation)
The new 8 hour work day left people with free time
Professional sports gain popularity
People start taking vacations to beaches and holiday resorts
Totalitarian states offer activities that help instill their beliefs
(ex: Strength through Joy): concerts, tours, films, sporting events, and cheap vacations
ART, MAN. It’s Abstract
Art began to reflect people’s beliefs that life didn’t make any sense…so their art didn’t either
Dadaism – life has no purpose
Surrealism – used fantasy, dreams, and nightmares to show the reality beyond reality
German art – folk art that showed the Germans as a strong, healthy, heroic people
New architecture: modernism
Clean look, horizontal lines
New literary style: stream of consciousness
Shows the innermost thoughts of people
Hermann Hesse – used Freud and Buddhist ideas in his work
Admired by German youth
New physics: uncertainty principal
Atoms are made of unstable, unpredictable particles

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