Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

1-3 Roman Civilization

  • Romans first conquered the area around Rome, then moved on to Italy and the Mediterranean world.
    • At the height of their empire stretched from North Africa to Hadiran’s Wall in England
  • The Roman Empire, like the Greek Empire, has had a lasting impact on the world today
Early Rome was divided into 2 groups:
PATRICIANS: landowners; the ruling class
PLEBEIANS: poorer landowners, merchants, and small farmers
The very poor peasants did not qualify for either group
509 B.C. - Rome overthrew the king and created a republic
A republic is a government with no king where certain citizens can vote.
In Rome, the patricians and plebeians could vote, but only the patricians could sit in office
- rich
- noble families
- could vote
- could hold office
- lower classes
- merchants, farmers, artisans, and soldiers
- could vote
- couldn’t hold office
Chief Officers of the Republic:
- 2 Consuls: like the President; they ran the government and the army
- Praetor – in charge of the law (like the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court)
The Senate: 300 landowners who at first advised the officers, but became the law themselves
Other Assemblies:
- Centuriate assembly: elected chief officials
the wealthy were the majority
- Council of Plebes: created to help plebeians gain a voice in the government
The division between patricians and plebeians caused conflict
- plebeians wanted political and social equality with the patricians
- the creation of the council of the plebes gave them some equality
-they were allowed to become consuls and pass laws by 287 B.C.
Were all people actually equal?
§ Remember, by 287 the plebeians had the power to elect consuls and make laws, just like the patricians.
§ So were they equal within the state?
The majority of the people in the Senate and in assemblies were still patricians, and everything was done by majority rule, so the wealthy landowners maintained the power
There was not a democracy to give everyone an equal vote
§ The Roman system of law is one of Rome’s major gifts to the world
§ 1st law = Twelve Tables
§ Roman law only applied to citizens
§ As the Romans conquered more areas, issues about the laws as they applied to Romans and non-Romans
§ Special rules were created to address these issues
This revised law became the Law of Nations
It became identified with natural law (laws based on reason)
They applied to everybody (citizen and non-citizen)
Similarities to modern law
- people were innocent until
proven guilty
- people could defend themselves before a judge, who would use the evidence to make a decision
  • 502-264 B.C – Romans took over all Italy
  • 264-135 B.C. – Rome conquered most of the Mediterranean
  • 14 B.C.-180 A.D. – The Roman Empire
  • 200A.D. – Roman power started
  • to decline
  • 476 A.D. – the Fall of the Roman
  • Empire
  • The Roman Empire was one of the largest Empires
    • Their administration was adapted to effectively rule a large area of diverse people
  • It influenced all areas it ruled
    • People in areas Rome took over were made citizens and adopted western ways
    • City layouts and aqueducts were also used all over
    • Latin became the language for all educated people
    • Other languages became Latinized
      • The romance languages (French, Spanish..) are the result of this Latinization
§ Christianity was born in the Roman Empire
§ It was the first official religion of the Roman Empire (even though at first it was opposed)
§ Christianity was started by the followers of Jesus
§ Jesus taught that you should love everyone and follow the one god
§ He was seen as a possible revolutionary and executed
§ At first Romans saw Christianity as a part of Judaism, but then they started to see it as treason
§ Why? The Christians wouldn’t participate in public rituals honoring Roman gods because it went against their beliefs
§ Christian persecution began with Emperor Nero
§ He blamed them for the fire that destroyed most of Rome
§ By the 2nd century A.D, Christianity was accepted
§ In the 4th Century, the Emperor Constantine became a Christian
§ The Edict of Milan was created to promote tolerance
*Theodosius the Great made it the official religion
  • Encouraged virtue
  • Encouraged duty to the community and the state
  • Christianity had a conflict, between the duty to the Christian community and its ideals and the duty to the state
    • Many martyrs died because they stood up to the state in defense of their ideals
Review Questions
      • What American document promotes many of the same legal principles from the Roman Law of Nations?
      • What elements of Western culture did the Romans help to shape?
      • Why do you think the Romans eventually decreed Christianity their official religion?

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