Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Creating a Tombstone: the French Revolution

Creating a Tombstone: the French Revolution

1)      Choose a person/thing from the French Revolution
a.       Louis XVI
b.      Marie Antoinette
c.       Charlotte Corday
d.      Jean Paul Marat
e.       Olympe de Gouges
f.       Georges Danton
g.      The Bastille
h.      Maximillian Robespierre
i.        French Monarchy
j.        National Assembly
k.      Legislative Assembly
l.        National Convention

2)      Using your tombstone, make a tombstone for that person.  Include:
a.       name
b.      dates (birth, death)
c.       who/what they were
d.      why they were important
e.       how they died/ how it ended

3)      Use colors & image to make it look good.

If you use pencil, make sure you go over it with pen at the end.  

Due at the end of class 10/15

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