• A government that tries to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of the people.
• Basically, they try to control everything
• Modern communism and dictatorships produce totalitarian states.
• Goal: to conquer the minds & hearts of the citizens
• Led by a single leader and a single party
• Your individual freedoms were less important than the collective will of the group (which was decided on by the leader)
• The people had to be actively involved in working towards the state’s goals.
• Government has all the power
• A form of dictatorship
• Created by Benito Mussolini
• The state is more important than the individual
• A strong central gov’t led by a dictator
• No opposition is allowed.
• Dreamed of recreating the Roman empire and returning Italy to its former power.
• Joined the socialist party, but was later kicked out and became anti-socialist.
• Created his own political movement, fascism
• Once expelled from school for stabbing a kid.
• Inflation and a bad economy made socialism appealing to the people
• Middle classes feared a Russia-style takeover
• Blackshirts=Mussolini’s band of fascists, who attacked socialist offices and papers and broke up strikes
– This got him the support of the middle classes.
• 1922 – Mussolini threatens to march on Rome if he’s not given power
• Used his power to create a fascist dictatorship
– Gov’t could stop any newspaper or mag that criticized the church or gov’t
– Made himself head of the gov’t, with total power to make laws
• Made deals with the Catholic Church
– M makes Vatican City independent, Church supports him.
• OVRA – Italian secret police
– in charge of monitoring activities of the people
– Regular police could arrest people for any reason
• Government used papers, radio, and film to spread fascist propaganda
• Youth groups created to train kids to be good fascists
– Boys – trained as soldiers
– Girls – taught to be good housewives.
– School books taught fascist propaganda.
• Remember, during the civil war, Lenin’s government took over the factories and seized almost all the food from peasant farmers to feed their army
• After the war, peasants hid their food, instead of giving it to the government
• Drought and famine left 5 million dead
• The country was on the verge of collapse
• The New Economic Policy (NEP) was Lenin’s solution to fix Russia
– Peasants could sell their goods
– Small stores (under 20 workers) could be privately owned
• Supposed to be temporary
• Saved the Soviet Union
• Lenin died in 1924, and the other 7 members of the Politburo (head committee) fought for control
• Trotsky vs. Stalin
– Trotsky was the head of the army; wanted to end NEW, industrialize, and spread communism
– Stalin was the General Secretary; wanted to work on improving Russia
• Stalin used his job to take over the Communist Party
• Got rid of old Bolsheviks from Lenin’s time, and anyone that didn’t support him
• Trotsky was kicked out, and went to live in Mexico
• By 1929, Stalin had created a dictatorship.
• Economic goals in 5 year periods whose purpose was to industrialize the Soviet Union .
• Focused on producing armaments (weapons) and heavy machinery
– Steel and oil production doubled and tripled
• More people moved to cities, but where they moved was controlled by the government
– Housing was cramped, conditions were bad
– Wages went down
• Collectivization – private farms are gone, and the government controls the land while the people work on it.
– All farms were squished into big farms
– The peasants didn’t like it –they often hid their crops and killed their livestock so the gov’t couldn’t take it
– Caused food shortages and famine
– In the Ukraine , the people resisted Stalin, and he took action. Crops were taken to feed the people in Russia , and famine was widespread.
• 7 million died in the “Terror Famine”
• To purge is to remove
• Stalin was determined to purge all opponents from the Soviet Union
• People were put on trial, convicted, and executed
– First to go were any old Bolsheviks
– Then army officers, diplomats, party members, and others
– 8 million were arrested and sent to the gulag in Siberia
– Others were executed
• Countries that took some parts of totalitarian states but not all
• The goal was to preserve (keep) the existing social order...not a lot of change
• Police power was relied upon
• Many Eastern European
• Francisco Franco led a rebellion against the government
• Italy and Germany supported Franco, while Russia supported the Spanish gov’t
• Franco let Hitler test his new air force on the opposition
• Civil war ended in 1939
• Franco was not a totalitarian because gave power to the Church, large landowners, and business people.
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