Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Thursday, April 24, 2014

12-2, 12-3 Europe & North America

After the war, the soviet economy was down – all $ was used for production, not given to the workers
New factories were created, and a focus on heavy industry began.
Focus: building military strength and becoming a world power
This came at the expense of the workers – small apartments, bad pay
1946 – all scientific and literary work has to follow communist policy
Stalin is about to begin another purge when he dies in 1953
De-Stalinization: his attempt to undo some of Stalin’s worst policies
Allowed more freedom in literature
Produced more consumer goods
Tried to make more crops for food
Unfortunately, this part failed and led to a downturn in the economy
His policies hurt the economy, and production decreased.
After his plan to place missiles in Cuba led to the Cuban missile crisis, the other members of the party voted him out in 1964
Communist Europe
East Germany
Albania and Yugoslavia were communist, but independent of the USSR
These countries imitated Stalin’s policies: the 5 year plan, industrialization, elimination of other political parties, creation of the secret police
After Stalin’s death, several countries tried to move away from the USSR, but the Soviets used military force to keep control over them
Western Europe & North America
New president: Charles de Gaulle
Used president/parliament model
Entered arms race, created nuclear weapons
Economy improved, imports grew
Cost of living was high and led to protests
West Germany
1949 – 1963: Konrad Adenauer, leader
Works with the US and western Europe
“economic miracle” – unemployment goes down to .4% - they have to bring in workers from turkey to fill the jobs
Late 1960’s – Social Democratic party takes control
Great Britian
After the war, it loses its position as the world power
Labour party takes over and creates a welfare state ( when the government gives you necessary services like health care)
Gave $ to the unemployed, sick, and old
Nationalized health care
The $$ needed to do all this, and rebuild the country, forced England to abandon their colonies abroad
European Economic Community
A free-trade area: no tariffs (import taxes)
France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany, and Italy
The world’s largest exporter and purchaser of raw materials
A bloc: a group of countries with a common purpose
United States
After WWII, there was an economic boom
Wages went up, people had more $ to spend
The government created a “red scare”, a fear of communism
Many people were targeted as suspected communists; communist supporters were blackballed
Led by Senator Joe McCarthy
After Kennedy was killed, Johnson took over and worked to improve welfare and social security
Civil rights movement: began in 1954 – worked to end segregation and gain equal rights and treatment
leader: Martin Luther King, Jr
Civil Rights Act of 1964 – ended segregation
1965 – race riots in Watts
1969 – MLK was assassinated
When the US entered Vietnam, anti-war protests began
1970 – students killed at Kent state
After the war, worked on developing chemical, electronic, aircraft, and nuclear industry
Didn’t just want to be “America’s hat” – tried to make their own identity by joining alliances and the United Nations

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