Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Before 1914 the Enlightenment ideals of reason, science, and progress remained important to many Europeans.
Science was a chief pillar of the West’s optimism about the future. Many believed science could yield a complete picture of reality. One basis of this belief was the belief in the Newtonian, mechanical conception of the universe. In this conception, everything ran in a machine-like, orderly fashion through knowable laws of causality acting on the basic constituents of the material world, atoms.
The French scientist Marie Curie discovered radium, an element that gave off energy. It appeared that atoms were worlds in themselves, not just hard material bodies.
In 1905 the German-born physicist Albert Einstein provided a new picture of the universe. His special theory of relativity stated that space and time are not absolute but are relative to the observer.
Matter and energy reflect the relativity of space and time. Matter was now believed to be energy, an idea that led to understanding the energies within atoms and to the Atomic Age.
To some, Einstein’s relative universe took the certainty out of the mechanical, Newtonian universe.
At the turn of the century, a doctor from Vienna named Sigmund Freud proposed groundbreaking theories about the human mind and human nature. These added to the uncertainty of the era.
Freud argued that human behavior is strongly influenced by past experiences and internal forces that people for the most part are not aware of. Painful experiences were repressed and then they influenced people’s actions without their knowledge. Repression began in childhood.
To help rid people of these repressed unconscious forces, Freud proposed a method called psychoanalysis. Patient and therapist probe deep into the patient’s psyche through free association, talking, and dream analysis to go back to childhood and confront the painful experiences to unlock the repression.
The patient’s gaining control of the painful experience and being released from the unconscious control of the repression led to healing. Freud’s work gave us such concepts as the unconscious and repression, and eventually led to a major new profession—psychological therapy.

Sometimes scientific theories were misapplied. One example is Social Darwinism. Racists and nationalists misapplied Darwin’s ideas to human society.
Herbert Spencer of Britain was the most popular Social Darwinist. He argued that social progress comes from the struggle for survival. Some businessmen adopted this view to explain their success, saying the poor were just weak and lazy.
Extreme nationalists said that nations were in a Darwinian struggle for survival. The German general Friedrich von Bernhardi said that war was a biological necessity for society to rid it of the weak and unfit.
The combination of extreme nationalism and racism that came out of Social Darwinism was most evident in Germany. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, a Briton who became a German citizen, argued that Germans were the only pure successors of the Aryans, the supposed original creators of Western culture, and that Jews were the enemy of the Aryan race.
Anti-Semitism is hostility and discrimination against Jews and a significant feature of modern European history. Since the Middle Ages, Jews had been portrayed as the murderers of Christ, subjected to mob violence, and had had their rights restricted.
In the nineteenth century, Jews had increasingly assumed positions within mainstream European society. The Dreyfus affair in France showed that these gains were tenuous.
Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was accused of selling military secrets. He was sentenced to life imprisonment even though evidence showed his innocence and pointed to the guilt of a Catholic officer. Public outrage finally resulted in a new trial and pardon for Dreyfus.
During the 1880s and 1890s, anti-Semitic political parties sprang up in Germany and Austria-Hungary. The worst treatment was in eastern Europe, where 72 percent of the world Jewish population lived. In Russia, for example, there were organized persecutions and massacres called pogroms.
To escape persecution, hundreds of thousands of Jews emigrated to the United States and Palestine, where Zionists headed by Theodor Herzl wanted to establish a Jewish homeland and state. That desire remained a dream in the early 1900s.

Between 1870 and 1914 many artists and writers rebelled against traditional artistic and literary styles, creating an aesthetic called modernism.
Between 1870 and 1914 many artists and writers rebelled against traditional artistic and literary styles, creating an aesthetic called modernism.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, a group of writers known as the symbolists caused a literary revolution by arguing that art should be about the inner life of people and should serve only art, not social progress.
This period was one of the most productive in the history of art. Impressionism was a movement begun in France in the 1870s, most importantly by Claude Monet. Impressionists left the studio and painted outdoors, hoping to capture the light that illuminated objects, rather than the objects themselves.
Postimpressionism arose in France and Europe in the 1880s. Vincent van Gogh was a famous Postimpressionist. For him, art was a spiritual experience. He believed color was its own kind of language.
By the twentieth century the idea that the point of art was to accurately depict the world had lost much of its meaning. This job was given to the emerging genre of photography. Photography was widespread after George Eastman created his first Kodak camera in 1888. Now anyone could capture reality.
Artists came to see their strength was in creating reality, not mirroring it as the camera did. These artists found meaning in individual consciousness and created modern art.
One of the most famous figures in modern art was the Spaniard Pablo Picasso. He began his career by 1905. He created a new style, called cubism, that used geometric designs to recreate reality. He painted objects from many different views at once. In 1910 abstract painting began with Wassily Kandinsky, who sought to avoid visual reality entirely.
Modernism in architecture gave rise to functionalism—buildings were like products of machines in that they should be useful. In the United States, the Chicago School architect Louis H. Sullivan designed skyscrapers with hardly any external ornamentation. Frank Lloyd Wright was one of Sullivan’s most successful pupils. He pioneered the modern American house.
Developments in music in the early twentieth century paralleled those in painting. The Russian Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring revolutionized classical music. The audience at its 1913 Paris premiere almost rioted because it was so outraged by the piece’s novel sounds and rhythms.

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