Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chapter 10 Review

*What empire collapsed after WWI because of nationalism and foreign involvement?
–The Ottoman Empire
•What is genocide?
–The deliberate mass murder of a particular group
•Who did the Ottomans target for genocide?
–The Armenians
•What country did the Ottoman Empire become?
•Who changed Persia into Iran?
–Reza Shah Pahlavi
•What did Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) want to do to Turkey?
–Modernize it
•Who wanted to create a united Arab state?
–Ibn Saud
•What was the Balfour Declaration?
–A British document that gave their support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine
•Who led the movement for Pan-Africanism?
–Marcus Garvey
•What is Pan Africanism?
–Unity for all Africans
•What methods did Gandhi use to work for independence?
–Nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience
•What was the Salt March?
–Gandhi’ march to the sea to protest British taxes and salt restrictions
•Why were Africans upset after WWI?
–They hoped that they would get their independence
•What was the Good Neighbor Policy?
–US policy that rejected the use of military force in Latin America
•What effect did the Great Depression have on the Latin American economy?
–The economy suffered because no one was buying their goods
•What is an oligarchy?
–Government where a small group controls the government
•What is guerilla warfare?
–It uses tactics like sabotage and sneak attacks
•Who was Getulio Vargas?
–The leader of Brazil, he became a dictator
•What is PEMEX?
–The national oil company of Mexico
•What did Lazaro Cardenas do for Mexico?
–He gave land to the peasants, took back the oil fields, and made good changes
•Who was an artist that used his art to depict Mexico’s past?
–Diego Rivera
•Who was Hipolito Irigoyen?
–President of Argentina
•What is a zaibatsu?
–Large Japanese companies that controlled everything
•What is the Shanghai Massacre?
–The killing of thousands of Communists in Shanghai
•Who ordered the Shanghai Massacre?
–Chiang Kai-Shek
•Who was the leader of the Communist party in China?
–Mao Zedong
•Who did Mao believe would lead the revolution?
–The peasants
–Describe the rise of Militarism in Japan in the 1930’s
–Describe the impact of the Great Depression on Latin America

Monday, March 24, 2014

10-4 Nationalism in Latin America

• Agricultural – based on the exporting of natural resources and food
• Depended on trade with other countries to make money
• Wealth was held by only a few people
• Countries like the US invested money in companies, and took over the economy in many areas
• The people didn’t like that the US had control of so many industries
• Often, the US gave aid to dictators who supported their economic interests in countries (like Venezuela)
• The US also sent in the military to protect their interests in Latin America
• 1930’s
• Started by Roosevelt
• Rejected the use of military force
• 1934 –the last US troops were taken out of L.A
• When America and Europe lost their money in the depression, they couldn’t afford to buy goods from Latin America
• This made their economy go down
– Especially in countries that specialized in one good
• Governments started industrialization to rebuild the economy and make their own goods
• Like totalitarianism, but less controlling
• When the economy went down, many countries got military dictatorships
– The military was needed to keep order, and they used that power to take over
• These leaders tended to be authoritarian
• Led by an Oligarchy (one group that has power)
• 1916 Hipolito Irigoyen was made president
• 1930’s – military leaders didn’t like that the workers were getting the power, and overthrew the government
• Wanted to rebuild the export economy so that workers wouldn’t have power
• Economy depended on coffee
• 1930 – military coup put Getulio Vargas in charge
– Made himself dictator
– Helped workers
– Created new industry
– Created New state, a fascist-like government
– Used secret police to maintain control
• A republic, but it only had one political party, the PRI
• Lazaro Cardenas, president in the 1930’s
– Gave land to the peasants
– Fought with the US and England over oil; took over the oil fields
• PEMEX – Mexican oil company run by the government
• Changed European styles to reflect their traditions
Diego Rivera – Mexican artist
– Interpreted legends
– Represented culture, festivals, and customs
– Often used the Mexican revolution in his work

Saturday, March 22, 2014

10-3 Revolutionary Chaos in China


 Nationalist Party led by Sun Yat-Sen
 More traditional
 Earlier, this group had fought for control of China, but didn’t get it.
 The increasingly chaotic government led to them trying to take over again
 Their biggest competitor? The Communists
• Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
• Started by radicals from the University of Bejing
• Wanted to make China Communists
• Main leader: Mao Zedong
• 1923-1926 – alliance between Nationalists and Communists
• Trained an army to fight and take over the country
Northern Expedition took over all of southern China
• Broke up when the Nationalists turned on the Communists
• Took over Nationalists when Sun died
• Didn’t like communists; believed that they were a bigger threat than the Japanese
• Decided to get rid of all the communists through…
• Thousands of communists were killed by the Nationalists
• Many communists fled to the countryside to avoid being killed
– Led by Mao Zedong
• others stayed in the city and recruited for the party
• Chiang Kai-Shek tried to build a new China
• Wanted a democratic constitutional government
• Got support from the Middle Class
• Started the New Life Movement
– Bring in western innovation to improve the country
• Goal was to help rebuild China after the depression and conflict
• Set up a national bank
• Built schools
• Improved the roads
• Land reforms were created to help lessen the gap between the rich and the poor.

Friday, March 21, 2014

10-2 Nationalism in Africa and Asia

• Many black Africans fought in WWI because they thought they would get independence, but they didn’t.
– Germany’s territories were given to England and France
– The exposure to the West did give many Africans new ideas though, and reform movements started.
• Kenya – Young Kikyu Association
– Led by Harry Thuku, who was arrested
– Protests led to violence, and Thuku was assassinated
• Libya – guerilla warfare
– Led by Omar Muktar
– Italians opened concentration camps to hold the Libyans.
• While most reforms failed to achieve independence, reforms were begun
• W.E.B DuBois – led movement for African Independence in the USA
• Marcus Garvey – started Pan-Africanism
– Unity of all Africans
• Jomo Kenyatta – Kenyan that believed that the British were destroying Africa
• Leopold Senghor – Senegal
• Nnamdi Azikiwe – created a newspaper, wanted nonviolent protest
Mohandas Gandhi
– Worked in South Africa before moving back to India
– Called Mahatma (great soul)
– Believed in nonviolent protest and civil disobedience (refusing to obey unjust laws)
• Boycotted English goods
• Make homemade salt
• Don’t pay taxes
– Spent time in prison
• 1935 – Government of India Act
– More Indians given the right to vote
Indian National Congress
– Created in 1885; wanted independence, worked with Gandhi
• Jawaharlal Nehru (1930’s)
– Leader of the INC; split it into 2: Gandhi (religious, traditional, Indian) vs Nehru (secular, Western, modern)
Muslim League
– Created because of conflicts between Hindus and Muslims
– Wanted their own Muslim state
• Politically, economically, and socially, Japan was becoming more westernized
Zaibatsus (large corporations) controlled most of the economy and manufacturing
– Led to big gap between the rich and poor
• Problems like inequality, increased population, and food shortages led to a call for the return of traditional Japan
• An island, Japan has few natural resources.
– Took over Formosa, Korea, and Manchuria to get resources
• Washington Conference
– Meeting to keep Japan from expanding; said that China couldn’t be touched.
– Kept Japan form gaining the resources that it needed for its growing industry
• Militant nationalists wanted Japan to take control and get rid of Western influences
• Many groups were formed
• 1931 – they invade Manchuria
• They took over the gov’t and the Emperor, Hirohito, didn’t oppose them
– They passed a draft law, pushed for expansion, and purged western ideas
• Communist International was started by Lenin to spread communist ideas and revolution
– Most Asian countries had communist parties, and the biggest was in China
• Ho Chi Minh – Vietnam
– Leader of revolutionary party
– Worked with the nationalist parties to fight against imperialism

Thursday, March 20, 2014

10-1 Nationalism in the Middle East


• Collapsed after WWI
• Nationalism and foreign involvement helped bring it down
• After the war, most areas gained independence, and Turkey stood alone as the Ottoman’s land.
• The new leader was Mustafa Kemal
• Means “father turk”
• Changed Turkey into a democracy
• Changed alphabet
• Created public schools
• People to adopt western style
• People had to adopt family names (last names)
• Set up five year plans to industrialize
• Brought in western clothes
• Women get equal rights
• People could be whatever religions they wanted

• Some people, like devout Muslims, didn’t like all of his reforms
• Originally called Persia
• Had lots of oil, so it was wealthy and other countries wanted control
• Pahlavi overthrew the gov’t in 1921
• Copied Ataturk’s reforms
– Western style education
– Made reforms to make the country stronger
• Arabs wanted to make their own countries after the Ottoman Empire broke up.
• Instead, England and France took over in many areas, decided their borders, and divvied them up
– The people didn’t have a real connection to their country.
• Ibn Saud: united Arabs and started his own kingdom, Saudi Arabia
– Oil was discovered here
• 80% Muslim, 20% Jewish
• Zionists wanted to make it the official Jewish homeland.
• When the Germans started picking on the Jews, more and more moved there
– This led to violence among the people.
• Balfour Declaration – British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine
– Eventually they limited the number of people that could come in.