Agenda & Homework

10/2 - Read Ch 3 section 2 and take notes

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

13-2 Eastern Europe

1980 – Lech Walesa organizes a workers union, Solidarity
Supported by the church and the workers
1988 – after years of demonstrations and growing support for Solidarity, the government holds free elections; communism ends
1990 – Walesa becomes the president
Problems: it was hard switching from communism to a free market economy
After Gorbachev takes over, the reformers took the opportunity to push for changes
1988-1989 – mass demonstrations
December 1989 – communist gov’t collapses, Vaclav Havel becomes president, country becomes democratic
Problem: 2 different ethnic groups – Czechs and Slavs
Solution: they peacefully split the country into 2: Czech Republic and Slovakia
Communist leader = Nicolae Ceausecu
Harsh ruler, used secret police to remove problems
People were miserable: lack of food, rationing, entire villages destroyed
Dec 1989 – secret police murdered thousands of peaceful demonstrators
The army protests this horror
Ceausecu and his wife were arrested and executed
New government was set up
Erich Honecker – leader of East Germany
Harsh leader; used secret police to keep order
1989 – demonstrations broke out and the government opens the border between east and west
People on both sides begin tearing down the wall
1990 – first free elections in E Germany led to unification with the west
10/3/90 – Reunification of Germany
1980’s – government consisted of representatives from each of the 8 republics/provinces (Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo)
They all wanted independence, but the leader of the republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, didn’t want to let them
Why? Most of Yugo was serbian, and all of the other republics had serbian minorities, so he wanted to keep all the serbs together in one state
1991 – Slovenia & Croatia declare independence, and Milosevic attack Croatia, and the serbs within Croatia helped them
1992 – Serbs attack Bosnia-H
Serbs start killing or getting rid of all Muslims in Bosnia
1995 – Bosnian and Croatian forces fight back, with help from the US
Serbs are forced to sign an peace treaty
Bosnia is split, NATO troops are sent to monitor
A province in Yugoslavia, given autonomy (they are allowed to have their own government)
The people were Albanians who kept their own language and culture
1989 – Milosevic takes away autonomy
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is formed to fight Serbian rule in Kosovo
Serbians retaliate by massacring the Albanians
1999 – Albanians finally regain autonomy
2000 – Milosevic is kicked out of power and put on trial for crimes against humanity
2002 – Yugoslavia becomes Serbia and Montenegro

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

13-1 Decline of the Soviet Union

new leader= Leonid Brezhnev
Wanted to keep Eastern Europe communist
Brezhnev DoctrineUSSR is allowed to go in to any communist country to protect communism (like the Truman Doctrine, but for communism)
This was a period of good relations between the US and the USSR (known as a détente)
The Soviet gov’t was corrupt, farming was bad, and the regular people suffered
Tensions grow
1979 - Soviets invade Afghanistan
The US saw this as the USSR trying to expand their territory and took action
US boycotts (refuses to go to) the 1980 Olympics in Moscow
No grain (wheat, oats, etc) will be shipped to the USSR
In 1980, Reagan called the USSR an “evil empire” and began a new arms race, started building a new satellite defense system, and gave weapons and money to Afghanistan
A New Russia
During the 1980’s problems get worse, and a reform movement begins
1985 – Mikhail Gorbachev is made leader, and begins to make changes
Believed in radical reform that begins with perestroika (restructuring – changing the way the gov’t works to make things better)
Created a new economic system where some business were owned by individual people, not the government
Created a parliament elected by the people
Allowed non-communist parties to exist
Created new system of government with a president, and he became the first (and only) president of the Soviet Union
Signed a treaty with the US, eliminating some long range nuclear weapons
Stopped giving military support to Communist Eastern Europe
This allowed these countries to overthrow their communist governments and become democratic
End of the Soviet Union
One of the major problems was that within the USSR there were over a hundred languages spoken and almost as many nationalities, and many of these groups wanted their independence
The old-school communists wanted things to stay as they were, and weren’t happy with Gorbachev
In 1991, a group tries to take him out of power by arresting him, but he is freed by Boris Yeltsin
Ukraine and Belarus get independence in December 1991, and the USSR ceases to exist
Gorbachev resigns and Boris Yeltsin becomes the new president of Russia.
New Russia
New problems:
the new freer economy was having trouble
Even though there was more stuff, it was hard to get
A southern province, Chechnya, wanted independence, and Yeltsin wanted to keep it
Former communist countries joined NATO
2000 – Vladimir Putin becomes president
Started reforms to help the economy and budget
Worked to make Russia part of the international economy
Continued the fight to keep Chechnya

Thursday, April 24, 2014

12-2, 12-3 Europe & North America

After the war, the soviet economy was down – all $ was used for production, not given to the workers
New factories were created, and a focus on heavy industry began.
Focus: building military strength and becoming a world power
This came at the expense of the workers – small apartments, bad pay
1946 – all scientific and literary work has to follow communist policy
Stalin is about to begin another purge when he dies in 1953
De-Stalinization: his attempt to undo some of Stalin’s worst policies
Allowed more freedom in literature
Produced more consumer goods
Tried to make more crops for food
Unfortunately, this part failed and led to a downturn in the economy
His policies hurt the economy, and production decreased.
After his plan to place missiles in Cuba led to the Cuban missile crisis, the other members of the party voted him out in 1964
Communist Europe
East Germany
Albania and Yugoslavia were communist, but independent of the USSR
These countries imitated Stalin’s policies: the 5 year plan, industrialization, elimination of other political parties, creation of the secret police
After Stalin’s death, several countries tried to move away from the USSR, but the Soviets used military force to keep control over them
Western Europe & North America
New president: Charles de Gaulle
Used president/parliament model
Entered arms race, created nuclear weapons
Economy improved, imports grew
Cost of living was high and led to protests
West Germany
1949 – 1963: Konrad Adenauer, leader
Works with the US and western Europe
“economic miracle” – unemployment goes down to .4% - they have to bring in workers from turkey to fill the jobs
Late 1960’s – Social Democratic party takes control
Great Britian
After the war, it loses its position as the world power
Labour party takes over and creates a welfare state ( when the government gives you necessary services like health care)
Gave $ to the unemployed, sick, and old
Nationalized health care
The $$ needed to do all this, and rebuild the country, forced England to abandon their colonies abroad
European Economic Community
A free-trade area: no tariffs (import taxes)
France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany, and Italy
The world’s largest exporter and purchaser of raw materials
A bloc: a group of countries with a common purpose
United States
After WWII, there was an economic boom
Wages went up, people had more $ to spend
The government created a “red scare”, a fear of communism
Many people were targeted as suspected communists; communist supporters were blackballed
Led by Senator Joe McCarthy
After Kennedy was killed, Johnson took over and worked to improve welfare and social security
Civil rights movement: began in 1954 – worked to end segregation and gain equal rights and treatment
leader: Martin Luther King, Jr
Civil Rights Act of 1964 – ended segregation
1965 – race riots in Watts
1969 – MLK was assassinated
When the US entered Vietnam, anti-war protests began
1970 – students killed at Kent state
After the war, worked on developing chemical, electronic, aircraft, and nuclear industry
Didn’t just want to be “America’s hat” – tried to make their own identity by joining alliances and the United Nations

12-3: Western Europe & the US

After WWII, Europe received billions in aid which they used to rebuild their countries and improve the economy, until it was better than it had been
France – Leader: Charles de Gaulle
-Fourth Republic – weak, no strong party to run it.
-Fifth Republic – replaced the weak 4th, with a new constitution, president / prime minister model.

-de Gaulle tried to make France into a world power, building nuclear weapons and increasing industrialization
West Germany – Leader: Konrad Adenauer
-the country had an “economic miracle” – great economy, almost no unemployment
-guest workers were brought in from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, and Yugoslavia to work because there weren’t enough German workers
Great Britain – loses its place as a world power
-England had major debt
-the government tried to set up a welfare state = government is responsible for social services and providing a minimum standard of living
-gov’t controlled health care, unemployment, social security

-the money they needed to do this wasn’t there, so they had to give up their colonies to get the money they needed.
Unity in Europe: European Economic Community – created by the Rome Treaty; a free trade area (these countries didn’t charge each other import costs)
-Encouraged to trade with each other, improved the economy
The United States
-after WWII, the country was very prosperous (had lots of money)
the threat of communism was everywhere – people worried that communists were everywhere, even in the US
Red Scare – created by Joe McCarthy; targeted alleged communists and communist supporters

*1960’s – leader: Kennedy – assassinated
*Johnson – fought for improved federal aid for education and social security and civil rights
*Martin Luther King led the call for changes in civil rights for African Americans
*Civil Rights Act – ended segregation
*Voting Act – gave African Americans the right to vote

Social Upheval – race riots took place in Watts, and over 100 cities after the assassination of MLK

- anti war protests took place during Vietnam, especially on college campuses (Kent State – 4 killed)

Canada - made money from exports and industry, joined NATO
-Liberal Party set up social security and health care plans

-workers made more money, and there was an increase in wages, so people had more money to spend on goods
-consumer society - a society focused on buying stuff
- tv's, cars. vacuum cleaners, washing machines - all gained popularity and were available to almost everyone

Changing roles for women-during the war, women had gotten jobs, and then lost them when the men came back.
by the 60's, women entered the workforce again, but were paid much less
women's liberation movement- (feminism) a movement to seek equal treatment for women

-the growing role of students
-during the 1960's, students (especially those in college) found a voice, and showed their unhappiness with certain events through protests and revolts
-this happened in both the USA and Europe

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Cold War Overview

What is a Cold War?
A conflict with no real fighting of any kind
A 50 year stand-off between the USA and the USSR
After WWII
USSR wanted to keep control of the areas they liberated (Eastern Europe)
US and England wanted these areas to be able to select their own governments
US and USSR both wanted power and influence, and they couldn’t come to an agreement
Why didn’t the US and the USSR get along?
There was a distrust between the 2 – each was trying to get power
US didn’t like communism – felt it took away freedom
Communists didn’t like the excesses of Capitalism
As communism spread, US tried to stop it
The Beginning
Eastern Europe – both sides tried to use these countries for their own benefit
1946 – civil war in Greece
Communist and anti communist groups fought for control
USSR and England helped
Truman Doctrine
Created by Truman
Said that the US would give $$ to countries (like Greece) that were threatened by communism
Created to battle the spread of communism
Marshall Plan
Created by Gen. Marshall
Aka European Recovery Program
Goal: rebuild the economy of European countries
$13 billion to help
In theory, if a country was secure economically, they won’t be tempted by communism
Soviet countries refused to help
Soviet answer to Marshall Plan
Designed to help Eastern European states
Didn’t work
USSR didn’t have enough money to really help
What happened to Germany?
After the war, divided into 4 zones, controlled by the 4 Allied countries: England, US, France, and the Soviets
Berlin, the capital, was in the Soviet zone
It was divided into 4 as well
US, England, and France combined theirs to create the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
The Soviets made theirs the German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
3 of the 4 zones in Berlin were capitalist and democratic, but they were located deep in communist East Germany
USSR started a blockade – no supplies or transportation could get into West Berlin
Berlin Airlift (1948) – supplies were flown in and dropped
The Soviets finally stopped the blockade in 1949
Berlin Wall
West Berlin was a democratic area in the middle of a communist country. The Germans didn’t get to choose what side they were in, and many didn’t want to be stuck in a repressive communist state, so they tried to escape
They would flee to West Berlin, where they were safe
People in trade jobs, like electricians& plumbers were often the first to go because they could make way more $$ in WB
To stop the flood of refugees to WB, Khrushchev had a wall built around West Berlin
The people in WB could leave as they pleased, but no one from EB or Eastern Germany could get in
It was patrolled by guards
Minefields, guard dogs, machine gun towers, and barbed wired discouraged people from trying to cross it
New Alliances
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Provided mutual help in case one of them was attacked
SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
To stem Soviet growth in the East
CENTO (Central Treaty Organization)
To prevent the USSR from moving south
Middle east + England and the US
Warsaw Pact
Alliance of Soviet countries: USSR, Albania, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, & Romania
These alliances divided the world up into Communist and Non communist
After the Koran War, Seato and Cento spread it outside of Europe
Arms Race
USSR and the US were in a race to see who could get more weapons and a bigger army
1949 – USSR detonated its first atomic bomb
Nuclear power became the new weapon of choice
Both sides had weapons capable of reaching the other, and these weapons could destroy a country
Neither wanted to risk being the first to attack, because retaliation would destroy their country too
Space Race
In addition to trying to get the most weapons, the USSR and the US were also trying to be the first into space
Sputnik 1 – 1st satellite to orbit the earth
The Soviets sent up a dog, we sent up a monkey
Defining Events of the Cold War
Truman Doctrine &Marshall Plan
Berlin Blockade
Creation of the Berlin Wall
Arms & Space Races
Korean War
Cuban Missile Crisis
Vietnam War
Korean War
Communists were trying to take over Korea
Divided into 2= north (pro communist) and south (anti-communist)
The North was helped by the Soviets and China
The South was helped by the US
In 3 years of fighting, neither side ended up gaining any land
Called the “Forgotten War”
Cuban Missile Crisis
1959 – Castro takes over Cuba
He is supported by the communists
JFK is worried about Communists being that close to the US, and decides to help start a revolution
Bay of Pigs (1961) – invasion of Cuban exiles
It failed miserably